30 October 2008

Today, I am especially grateful for the fun Halloween party we had during playgroup today. I didn't want to leave and thus I was the last person to leave (minus Bethany who was practicing the organ). I sat and watched the pure love of so many of the mothers in my ward watch another's child while she could do something for the group or for another child. I really feel like we are a family in our ward because of the love that everyone feels for each other. It's really an incredible thing to witness.

29 October 2008

I am very thankful for the chance to take an Institute class on the book of Isaiah. I am learning a lot and I love the feeling of the Spirit whispering insights into the scriptures. I actually shared some thoughts today (which I have not been doing lately), and a woman thanked me for my comments. I am especially thankful for her expression of gratitude. I am also very thankful for Brother Christensen for taking his time to teach our class.

28 October 2008

I am extremely grateful for glue. More specifically, I am extremely grateful that the medical community glues some things back together instead of using stitches. I am also glad that I didn't have to hold Max down while getting his forehead stitched - instead I could hold his arms and chest while the doctor applied glue to his forehead. He was smiling and cooing at the doctor instead of crying and screaming.

27 October 2008

Today I saw the first snow of the season, just flurries. I love watching the tiny flakes meander down and not ever reach the ground because they evaporate too quickly.
I am grateful for my husband reading books to my sons and doing all the voices.