26 February 2009

I am very grateful for such great health insurance and the ability to get in to see a doctor when we need to see a doctor. I am also grateful for antibiotics.

I'm grateful that we could have dinner with friends on Tuesday night. It was really fun to just sit and talk with the Chastons. We laughed a lot, which was nice after a hard day with sick kids.

22 February 2009

Ryan went above and beyond this weekend. First of all, he unburied my car. With the snow that dumped on us yesterday, that was really appreciated when I went to go to church this morning. Yesterday, he also brought me flowers (white roses - they are lovely), very thoughtfully bought me some books (short stories so that I can continue my non-fiction library obsession and still read short stories for sanity), and took me out to Sonic after the boys had gone to bed for some frozen treats. I have the most wonderful husband!

We played hide & seek tonight with Chris, and it was really fun. We found some really good hiding places for Chris, like in the laundry hamper and the hall closet. Chris was so happy and cute playing and calling out to us to come find him, giving away his perfect hiding place.

I'm grateful for the internet and it's ability to connect old friends. Things like blogging and facebook have let me reestablish friendships with people.

19 February 2009

Both boys took naps today. At the same time. Monumental!

We got to go to Ryan's work and have lunch with him today. It was really fun to see him in the middle of the day. Plus, Chris was extremely excited about seeing Ryan's workplace. He was exclaiming every chance he got: "These are great stairs!"

My kitchen floor stayed clean today. Hooray!

Today was just an all around good day.

18 February 2009

I am grateful that we get to go to St. Louis. I'm glad that Ryan was accepted to all of the schools he applied to, but I'm also glad that scholarship offers made the decision to go to St. Louis easy to make.

I am grateful for the internet and the ability to search for apartments in St. Louis from Madison.

I am very grateful that I could try a new exercise class today. I went to Zumba for the first time and although I didn't get all the latin-dancing moves right away, I did have fun.

I'm grateful that Chris could dance with me in the kitchen today. I have a lot of fun with that kid, and he helps me be happy and energetic.

I'm grateful that I could really clean my kitchen floor today. I love having clean floors.

I'm grateful for Chris's innocence. Today, Max was sitting on the floor and had an explosive poop. It was quite loud for such a little baby. Chris looked at Max with mouth agape and then looked at me and said, "Mom, Max sounds like lightening." He was right, but I couldn't help but laugh.

12 February 2009

I'm really grateful that Ryan is coming home tonight. I always miss him when he is away.

I'm grateful that Chris was relatively easy today. He didn't even have to go in timeout once. Way to go, Chris!

We went to the library today, and I checked out Charlotte's Web to read with Chris. Since I haven't been able to get him to nap using our typical reading routine, I thought I would change it up with a longer book with a few pictures. It didn't so much work like I had dreamed, but he was interested in the story and wanted me to keep reading. We got through four chapters, which I thought was quite a bit. It's such a cute story; it's fun to read out loud.

11 February 2009

I'm grateful that I have multiple pairs of glasses so that when Chris steps on one pair, I have another ready to put on my face.

I'm grateful that I could make a real dinner tonight. I think it helped Chris have a sense of normalcy since Ryan is gone.

I'm glad that both Ryan and I get to watch Lost tonight, even if it is not together.

I'm really glad that we could have clean coats. I washed them last night because they had gotten nasty, and it was really nice to have nice-smelling coats without any grime from rubbing against any cars.

09 February 2009

I am grateful that I have a husband who will turn down a night with the guys watching a baseball documentary to have a night with me. I'm glad that I didn't have to spend another night alone. Thanks, Ryan.

I'm glad that we figured out a way to make a decision about school when we have all the infromation available. Hopefully this plan to wait until Friday will work, meaning I hope that we will get the information we need on Friday.

I'm grateful that Chris is feeling better and that he has overcome his resistance to go potty. I think the resistance may have come from feeling a little sick.

I'm grateful for preschool. I really enjoy having some time just with Max and having some time that I can work on a project.

Last night, Ryan and I made some healthy milkshakes (pomegranate swirl frozen yogurt, blueberries, banana, and milk) and watched the Mormon version of Pride & Prejudice. I had a marvelous time. It was so fun to just sit and watch a fun movie and eat delicious treats with the man I love.

I'm grateful that our cars are clean. The weather last weekend was beautiful, so we got the chance to wash off the filthiness that was on our cars.

I also took the kids to the zoo. Chris had a blast jumping in all of the puddles, and Max enjoyed his stroller ride. All in all, a great trip to the zoo. Plus, we got to see the new tiger.

04 February 2009

I'm glad that I got to go to Institute today. It has given me a lot to think about, and it's been a long time since I've gone to the class - I've been in the nursery since we started this year. It was good for me to be there.

I'm glad that I went grocery shopping today. I feel better about cooking meals that are planned out in advance instead of figuring out what I can make with whatever ingredients we have on hand.

I love watching Lost with Ryan. It's a fun show, and we have fun watching it together.

03 February 2009

I am grateful that I could laugh so much tonight in our Primary presidency meeting. It felt really nice to laugh.

02 February 2009

I am grateful for youtube. It allowed me to have a great time with the preschool kids doing the hokey pokey and the bunny hop with minimal effort and preparation. Technology makes so many things easier, and I'm glad that I live in these times.

I am grateful that Ryan got a raise. Way to go! It helps us save more money for when we won't have a job.

I'm grateful for wonderful friends who came over to watch the superbowl last night. We had a great time and had wonderful food. I'm also grateful for both bowls of guacamole that people brought. I love that stuff. I also am very grateful that some people stayed and helped clean up after the fact - how nice is that. It makes me want to do nice things for other people.

I'm grateful for Ryan taking out the garbage. It seems like we have SOOO much more garbage these days, and I'm glad that Ryan takes it out most of the time. Keeps me inside where it is warm.

I'm grateful that Chris wanted to cuddle with me this afternoon so that we could both get a little nap in.