04 March 2009

I am very grateful that I found my long-lost iPod Touch today. It has been missing for a long, long time, and I am so happy that it finally turned up. I had honestly given up hope, and then I found it in the bag I brought to Institute today. I guess those are the blessings I get from going to Institute.

I am also grateful that everybody in this house is on the mend. Chris has gotten over his ear infection and (mostly) his cold. Max is still fighting his cold, but it seems to be getting better. Ryan was feeling well enough to go to work today, so that's progress. I am feeling better and energetic, even. I think it helps that it's around 50 degrees today.

I am grateful for our new lamp. It gives off so much more light than our old one that we might even be able to talk on the webcam with our families on Sunday nights and have them see us.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You are an absolute doll. No doubt about it.

I thank Heavenly Father my grandboys have a doll for their mother.